Directed by Greg Hackett (who also founded Spindle Films), ‘Krunk’ is a cinematic revenge-fantasy and a parody of the male ego. Director of Photography Adric Watson shot on 16mm
Equal parts light and shade, dystopia and fantasy, it’s a project as much about the pleasures of getting lost as it is the at-times nightmarish world you dream of getting lost from.
It’s the latest journey for Sad Night Dynamite's signature white limo, a reoccurring visual motive from their self-titled debut mixtape.
Sad Night Dynamite "That visual is the centrepiece of the mixtape, and it represents us in a weird way. You can hate it if you want, but once you get inside you can’t help but love it.”
Spindle Films
Director: Greg Hackett @greg_hackett
EP: Stitch Richardson @Stitch_r
Producer: Tom Birmingham @tbirms
PM: Jack Filtness @jackfiltness
PA: Steve Charalambous @steveland82
1st AD: Philips Nortey @philips_nortey
DP: Adric Watson @adricwatson
AC: Jon England @jon__england
2nd AC: Josh Tilley @joshtilley_
Trainee: Joshua Ighogaro @j_ighodaro & Marti Guiver @martiguiver
Steadicam: Michael Vega @_mikevega_
2nd Unit: Jonathan Jones @jonathan_jip_jones & Kyle Harper @kylejharper
Production Designer: Jakob Gierse @jakobgierse
Art Director: Joseph Baaklini @jobaaklini
Props: Clementine Linieres @clem.evee
Makeup Artist: Poppy France @poppyfrance
Hair Stylist: Lauren Webster @lweb93
Wardrobe Stylist: Suzie Walsh @suzwalsh_
16mm Processing and 2K Film Scans @cinelablondon
Editor: Tim Swaby @tim_swaby
Colourist: Simon Bourne
Colour Producer: Chris Anthony @chrisanthonyproducer
Post Production: No8 @no8ldn
Sound Mix: No8
Poster Design: Joe Page-Brown @joepagebrown
Artist Management: George Shepherd @shepherdgeorge
Commissioner: Sam Seager @seagez
Talent: Sad Night Dynamite @sadnightdynamite
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