A lot of people enjoyed having the time to cook during lockdown - and long may this continue.
Somesuch's Rollo Jackson directed Sharwood's 'Kitchen Explorer' - their first TV commercial in five years.
The pan-Asian cooking brand looks to capitalise on surging sales and retain the 3.8 million new consumers it attracted during the pandemic.
DoP Nanu Segal BSC shot on 35mm 500T using S4 Cooke Lenses.
35mm processing, scanning and deliverables @cinelablondon
Client: Premier Foods Sharwood's
Production Company: Somesuch and Co @somesuchandco⠀
Director: Rollo Jackson @rollojackson
DoP: Nanu Segal BSC @nanusegal⠀
Film Laboratory: Cinelab London @cinelablondon
#sharwoods #commercials #35mm #director #dop #crew #filmmakers #filmmaking #shootfilm #filmprocessing #filmscanning #scanity #cinelablondon